Tuesday, 9 February 2016

#YALIYOJIRI>>>Rais Magufuli Atoa kauli Kuhusu Mgogoro wa Kisiasa visiwani Zanzibar, Asema Hakuna Suluhu zaidi ya Kurudia Uchaguzi.Fahamu zaidi hapa.

Rais John Magufuli amesema kuwa hana mamlaka yoyote ya kuingilia suala la uchaguzi wa Zanzibar.
Rais Magufuli aliyaeleza hayo  jana katika hotuba yake kwa mabalozi mbalimbali wanaoziwakilisha nchi zao hapa Tanzania iliyosomwa kwa niaba yake na waziri wa mambo ya nje, ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, kikanda na kimataifa Balozi Augustine Mahiga  jana ikulu jijini Dar es salaam.
Katika hotuba hiyo, Rais Magufuli aliwaeleza mabalozi hao kuwa licha ya Tanzania kuwa nchi moja, Zanzibar ina mfumo wake wa siasa, ina serikali yake, Katiba yake na pia tume yake ya uchaguzi inayojitegemea.
Alisema tume hiyo ilifuta uchaguzi kutokana na mapungufu yaliyojitokeza kisiwani Pemba, na kwamba tayari tarehe mpya ya uchaguzi wa marudio imekwisha tangazwa kwa mujibu wa Katiba ya Zanzibar.
Alosema mazungumzo ya kutatua mgogoro huo yalifanyika bila mafanikio ambapo chama kikuu cha upinzani (CUF) kimeendelea kupinga uchaguzi wa marudio huku vyama vingine kikiwemo chama tawala vikionesha uhitaji wa uchaguzi huo wa marudio.
Alisema kwa hali ilivyo, busara inahitajika ili kunusuru suala hilo, na kwamba kususia uchaguzi siyo suluhu bali kutumia nafasi iliyopo sasa kujadili namna ya kuufanya uchaguzi wa marudio kuwa huru na wa haki.
Aliwaeleza mabalozi hao kuwa serikali pamoja na watanzania walio wengi wangependa kuona CUF inathibitisha madai yake ya kushinda uchaguzi huo kupitia sanduku la kura katika uchaguzi wa marudio.
“Tunakiasa chama cha CUF kama ambavyo watanzania wengi wangependa kuona, kuthibitisha madai ya ushindi wao katika sanduku la kura, hakuna jinsi nyingine ya kutatua suala hili zaidi ya kukubali kufanya uchaguzi wa marudio” ilisema sehemu ya hotuba hiyo.
Magufuli amewahakikishia mabalozi hao kuwa nchi ni salama na hali ya amani na utulivu ni ya kuridhisha katika kipindi hiki cha kuelekea katika uchaguzi wa marudio.
Honourable Dr. Suzan Kolimba, Deputy Minister for
Foreign Affairs, East African, Regional and
International Cooperation,
Your Excellency Idzai Chimonyo, Ambassador of the
Republic of Zimbabwe and Acting Dean of the
Diplomatic Corps,
Ambassador Ramadhan Mwinyi, Acting Permanent
Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, East
African, Regional and International Cooperation
Your Excellencies, Ambassadors and High Com
Excellencies, Heads of International Organizations,
Other Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcoming Remarks
all Tanzanians especially those lower
of soci
despite recorded achievements, we are still
major hindrances on our way to achieving a
prosperous Tanzania. Poverty, unemployment and
corruption have remained to be among the major
challenges confronting us. We are striving hard to over
come these challenges because we know that our vision
of becoming a middle-income country by 2025 will not be
reached if we do not address them compre
hensively. In our efforts to address these chal
lenges, among other things, we are working to reduce bu
reaucratic red tape and accelerate implementation of Gov
s decisions. We are also making efforts to re
duce Government spending; promote discipline, ac
countability and transparency in the Government and the
public sector as a whole starting with revenue collec
tion as you have seen.
We envision a corrupt free Tanzania and this can only
succeed by working together at both national and
international levels. We must fight both demand and
supply side of corruption. On this note, I take this
opportunity to appreciate and applaud the Government of
the United Kingdom for taking the lead by returning the
money taken corruptly from our country. It is only
through such a genuine cooperation, commitment and
partnership that we will be able to eliminate corruption in
our countries.
our emphasis in these five years is on ap
propriate industrial development. And again, to achieve
this goal we are looking forward to working with you, our
Development Partners, the private sector and other
important stakeholders. My Government will continue to
create a conducive environment for investors both from
inside and outside the country. Help us to identify areas
and gaps which need to be addressed in order create a
more friendly investor climate in Tanzania. This will in
turn accelerate economic growth of the country, reduce
poverty, increase standard of living of our people and
generate employment for Tanzanians, especially the youth.
my Government is also working to improve
other key economic sectors such as education, health,
agriculture, infrastructure and energy. Power generation,
rural electrification and development of the central railway
corridor will be among our major priorities. In terms of
education, we have already embarked on providing free
education for all from primary to secondary level
As I
speak, we have already started to implement this and we
will strive to extend it to other levels in coming years.
wildlife and forest conservation will receive
urgent attention in the face of the alarming destruction of
our wildlife and forests. We want to live up to our obliga
tion as custodians of wild heritage of our beautiful
national parks and other historical and cultural
attractions. Let me at this point again pay my deep
condolences to the British Helicopter Pilot Roger Gower
who tragically lost his life in Northern Tanzania while
working with Tanzania’s authorities in the fights against
illegal poaching of elephants in our national parks and
game reserves. His life should not be lost in vein, I call
upon all friends of Tanzania to join us in this war to save
the BIG FIVE and other rare
fauna and flora in the
wilderness of Tanzania.
Regional Cooperation
my Administration will continue to build on
the foundation of good relations laid down by my
predecessors based on, among others, our Foreign Policy
of good neighbourliness. Tanzania will continue to be
committed to the regional bodies, and we will work with
other members to uphold and advance the principles of
the East African Community (EAC); the Southern African
Development Community (SADC); the International
Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR); as well as
the African Union (AU). Undoubtedly, you have all been
witnesses of our foreign policy being put in practice by
assisting our neighbours in conflict resolutions as well as
hosting refugees and asylum seekers. We will cooperate
with fellow member countries to maintain peace, security,
stability and development in our respective Regions.
that we are embarking on industrial
economy, we will endeavour to take advantage of the
regional markets. My Gover nment will intensify
sensitization programmes to create awareness among the
private sector and thus increase growth while stimulate
production and businesses. We will continue to commit to
the implementation of already concluded protocols in the
region such as Free trade, Customs Union and Common
as the current Chair of the East African
Community, we have had to deal with the evolving political
situation in Burundi, which is a concern not only to Tan
zania, but also to the Region, the whole continent and
peace loving citizens of the world. Tanzania will continue
to work closely with all stakeholders in searching for a
peaceful and lasting solution to the Burundi crisis.
We are of the view that in order to achieve sustainable
peace and security in Burundi, inclusive dialogue is the
only solution. Tanzania has reservations the use of force
at this stage in dealing with the current political crisis
without the consent of Burundi. We are at the same time
encouraging dialogue between Burundi and the African
Union because Burundi has genuine security concerns
which require support from the Arican Union and the
international community. It is in this spirit that we
applaud the concerted efforts by H.E. Yoweri Museveni,
President of the Republic of Uganda who on behalf of the
East African Community is a mediator of this conflict. We
are concerned that a festering political crisis in Burundi
will exacerbate an already difficult economic situation in
Burundi which can easily lead to institutional stress with
dire security consequences in Burundi and the region as a
International Cooperation
2015 was a very eventful year for the
international community. Among other events, we
celebrated 7 decades of our noble organisation the United
Nations. In the same year, we also winded up the
implementation of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) which Tanzania achieved four of them and
subsequently, led to the adoption of the Agenda 2030 for
Sustainable Development.
Tanzania will continue to participate in the
United Nations and African Union peace keeping
operations as her contribution to the maintenance of
international and regional peace and security. Tanzania
has a long history of generous hosting of Refugees long
before independence. We pledge to respect this
international humanitarian obligation. We appeal for
equally generous international burden sharing on this
issue especially as refugee hosting comes with numerous
demographic, environmental, economic and social
challenges to the countries of asylum like Tanzania.
As you may recall, in December 2015 the global leaders
adopted a historic agreement- The Paris Agreement, in
Paris. This Agreement will take over from the Kyoto
Protocol in 2020 and will decide the future of our Planet.
We, as Member Countries must ensure that we adhere to
these agreements. There has to be a close follow-up and
review mechanism of these new global Agreements and
Goals so as to be sure of their successful implementation.
My Government has plans in place to ensure that this
takes place effectively. But we know that we cannot
achieve any of these without our joint efforts, we therefore
once again urge for your cooperation and necessary sup
port in these endeavours.
before I conclude, I would like to emphasise
the role of women in development of the country and Tan
zania will continue to do its best so that women continue
to be part and parcel of our development endeavours. We
have shown this by electing our first ever-female Vice
President, H.E. Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan. My
Government will also continue to empower each Tanzan
ian so that no one will be left behind as pledged in the
Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. In the same
vein, every individual has to play their role in ensuring
that we achieve our goals.
Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
for the year
2016, I promise you my Government’
s full cooperation and
I look forward to working with you.
I thank you.


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